Friday, June 20, 2008

#44 - The Quickie

Book No: 44
Title: The Quickie
Author: James Patterson
Genre: Suspense
Published: 2007
Obtained: 2007/Gift
Completed: 6/08/08
No. of Pages: 352
Rating: 1/5*

Why, oh why is James Patterson a bestselling author? I seriously don’t get it. I stopped reading his books several years ago because I found that they just seemed to be getting worse and worse. Then last summer my mom-in-law gave me this book as a gift. It languished on my shelf until now and frankly I wasn’t missing anything. The plot, so to speak, involves Lauren Stillwell, a police officer who finds out her husband is cheating on her. So instead of confronting him she decides to have a ‘quickie’ with a co-worker. While looking out the window of the room where she has her assignation Lauren sees something so shocking her life is turned upside down, and she can’t tell anyone, because that would reveal her affair. The plot was dumb, the characters cardboard cut-outs that I cared not one whit for, the dialogue trite, when not laughable, the writing pedestrian and the ending ridiculous. Awful is too nice a word to use when describing this book.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I completely agree- why on earth is he so popular? I guess writing like his speaks to the lowbrow intellect of many people- plus, they read him and feel good that they're reading a book. Sigh. I recently read a book of his, the first I'd read since I was about 18 or 20, and I was appalled. Such awful writing, the plot is full of holes, the characters are barely one dimensional...You know what's even worse? Danielle Steel. *runs off crying at the thought.* LOL